Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick post to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving.  My daughter-in-law has the turkey stuffed and in the oven.  I'll be cutting up potatoes and veggies when I finish this post.  We'll eat ~5:00 and then head off to Michael's for some of their specials.

I have been knitting like crazy since I got here.  I have finished one of the five projects that I brought with me.  I just have to block and fringe it when I get home.  I am hoping to get the neck done on Jen's sweater before we leave for home.  I have been working on it for ~three years but managed to lose the instructions.  Susan at Mass Ave Knits ( helped me with the missing parts and it is close to being done.

 Have a good day and get lots of sleep if you are planning to hit the sales tomorrow.

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